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bruno and diesel <3<3

by lauren (uk) well bruno in the background is 6 months and diesel is 5 months, they’re our much love babies <3<3

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canine heartworm symptom?

by hakim (malaysia) my dog rottweiler is 1 year + having problem 1}snoring very noisy when sleeping 2}very weak not able to work longer will fainted…. Hi HakimIt’s possible that the symptoms you mention above […]

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chewing and playful biting

by jena (springdale Ar) i have a 13 week old rotty pup who chews everything, also he likes to playfully bite and i would like to know how to break him of these bad habitis […]

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by Celliott (Forest Park,Ga) My rottie is now 31 months old when I originally entered the post he was 23 months old. Almost 10 doctor’s visits later not to mention the cost Deak is still […]

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Concerns for my Rottweiler’s behavior

by danny (Houston, tx) I’m concerned about dominance with my rottie. My daughter had my rottie in her bed, when she tried to move him over he starts to grunt and show is teeth. What […]

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Daisy showing off her new scarf!

My mom knitted this scarf for Daisy worrying she would be too cold outside. Daisy wears the scarf just fine until someone draws her attention to the white ball then she tries to chew it […]

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by Zac (Vancouver Island) Duke is now 1 year and 1 month. The picture was taken after a long play in the yard. He’s such a wonderful dog. It feels like I’ve had him all […]